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ãäÊÏíÇÊ ÇÍÈÇÈ ÇáÍÓíä Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã (https://www.ahbabhusain.net/vb/index.php)
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-   -   Lady Fatima az-Zahra (peace be upon her) (https://www.ahbabhusain.net/vb/showthread.php?t=132651)

ÕÏì ÇáãåÏí 12-01-2020 01:24 PM

Lady Fatima az-Zahra (peace be upon her)
Lady Fatima az-Zahra (peace be upon her)


Ziyarah for the Mistress of the Women of the Worlds, Lady Fatima Zahra’, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon her

ÒöíóÇÑóÉñ ÓóíöøÏóÉö ÇáäøöÓóÂÁö ÇáúÚóÇáóãöíäó ÝóÇØöãóÉó ÇáÒøóåúÑóÂÁö (ÓóáÇóãõ ٱááåö ÚóáóíúåóÇ)

Translated by Badr Shahin
Edited by Arifa Hudda
While standing in the area between the Noble Prophet’s tomb and mimbar (a place described as a Garden of Paradise – al-Rawdah), you may pay your respects to Lady Fatima Zahra’, although there is a disagreement about the place of her tomb.
Some say that she was buried in al-Rawdah; others say that she was buried in her own house; while others say that she was buried in the cemetery known as Jannatul Baqiʿ. However, the majority of our scholars agree that she should be visited within the area of al-Rawdah, although to visit her at all three of these places is more preferable.
When you stand for the ziyarah of Lady Fatima Zahra’, recite the following: ÈöÓúãö Çááåö ÇáÑøóÍúãٰäö ÇáÑøóÍöíãö

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful íóÇ ãõÜãúÊóÍóäóÉõ

O the carefully examined one: ÇöãúÊóÍóäóßö Çááåõ ÇáøóÐöí ÎóáóÞóßö ÞóÈúáó Ãóäú íóÜÎúáõÞóßö

Allah had tried you before He created you (for this worldly life), ÝóæóÌóÏóßö áÜöãóÇ ÇãúÊóÍóäóßö ÕóÇÈöÑóÉð¡

And thus He found you successfully enduring in that trial.1 æóÒóÚóãúäóÇ ÃóäøóÇ áóßö ÃóæúáöíóÂÁñ æóãõÕóÏøöÞõæäó

We declare that we are your followers and believers, æóÕóÇÈöÑõæäó áößõáöø ãóÇ ÃóÊóÇäóÇ Èöåö ÃóÈõæßö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö¡

and patient with all that has been conveyed to us by your father - peace of Allah be upon him and his household, æóÃóÊÜìٰ Èöåö æóÕöíøóåõ¡

And all that which his successor (Imam ’Ali b. Abi Talib) brought. ÝóÅöäøóÇ äóÓúÃóáõßö Åöäú ßõäøóÇ ÕóÏøóÞúäóÇßö

Thus we ask you that if we have truly believed in you, ÅöáÇøó ÃóáúÜÍóÞúÊöäóÇ ÈöÊóÕúÏöíÞöäóÇ áóÜåõãú

That you may include us with those who believe in them all (all of the Prophet’s successors), áöäõÈóÔøöÑó ÃóäúÝõÓóäóÇ ÈöÃóäøóÇ ÞóÏú ØóåõÑúäóÇ ÈöæöáÇóíóÊößö.

So that we may grant ourselves the glad tidings that we have been purified on account of our loyalty towards you.
It is recommended to also recite the following: ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÑóÓõæáö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the Messenger of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó äóÈöíøö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the Prophet of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÍóÈöíÈö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the most beloved of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó Îóáöíáö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the close friend of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÕóÝöíøö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the chosen one of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó Ãóãöíäö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the trustee of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÎóíúÑö ÎóáúÞö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the best of Allah’s creations. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÃóÝúÖóáö ÃóäúÈöíóÂÁö Çááåö æóÑõÓõáöåö æóãóáÂÆößóÊöåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the best amongst Allah’s prophets, messengers and angels. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÎóíúÑö ÇáúÈóÑöíøóÉö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the best of created beings. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÓóíøöÏóÉó äöÓóÂÁö ÇáúÚóÇáóÜãöíäó ãöäó ÇáÃóæøóáöíäó æóÇáÂÎöÑöíäó¡

Peace be upon you O the Leader of all women of the world, from the first to the last generations. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÒóæúÌóÉó æóáöÜíøö Çááåö æóÎóíúÑö ÇáúÜÎóáúÞö ÈóÚúÏó ÑóÓõæáö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O the wife of the guardian of (the message of) Allah and the best of all created beings after the Messenger of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ Ãõãøõ ÇáúÜÍóÓóäö æóÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäö

Peace be upon you O the mother of Hasan and Husayn, ÓóíøöÏóíú ÔóÈóÇÈö Ãóåúáö ÇáúÜÌóäøóÉö¡

the two masters of the youth of paradise. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáÕöøÏøöíÞóÉõ ÇáÔøóåöíÏóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the veracious, the martyred one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáÑøóÖöíøóÉõ ÇáúÜãóÑúÖöíøóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the content, the pleased one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÝóÇÖöáóÉõ ÇáÒøóßöíøóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the virtuous, the pure one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÜÍóæúÑóÂÁõ ÇáÅöäúÓöíøóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the paradisiacal human being. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáÊøóÞöíøóÉõ ÇáäøóÞöíøóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the pious, the immaculate one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÜãõÍóÏøóËóÉõ ÇáúÚóáöíãóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the one whom the angels spoke to, the knowledgeable one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÜãóÙúáõæãóÉõ ÇáúÜãóÛúÕõæÈóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the oppressed lady whose right was usurped. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÜãõÖúØóåóÏóÉõ ÇáúÜãóÞúåõæÑóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the persecuted, the maltreated one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÝóÇØöãóÉõ ÈöäúÊó ÑóÓõæáö Çááåö

Peace be upon you O Fatima, daughter of the Messenger of Allah. æóÑóÍúãóÉõ Çááåö æóÈóÑóßóÇÊõåõ¡

And may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you. Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúßö

May Allah bless you, æóÚóáìٰ ÑõæÍößö æóÈóÏóäößö¡

And your soul and your body. ÃóÔúåóÏõ Ãóäøóßö ãóÖóíúÊö Úóáìٰ ÈóíøöäóÉò ãöäú ÑóÈøößö¡

I bear witness that you spent your life with full awareness of your duty towards your Lord; æóÃóäøó ãóäú ÓóÑøóßö ÝóÞóÏú ÓóÑøó ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö¡

And (I bear witness) that one who pleases you, has pleased the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him and his Household. æóãóäú ÌóÝóÇßö ÝóÞóÏú ÌóÝóÇ ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö¡

And one who has been betrayed you has indeed betrayed the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him and his Household. æóãóäú ÂÐóÇßö ÝóÞóÏú ÂÐóì ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö¡

And one who hurts you, has hurt the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him and his Household. æóãóäú æóÕóáóßö ÝóÞóÏú æóÕóáó ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö

And one who associates with you, has associated with the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him and his Household. æóãóäú ÞóØóÚóßö ÝóÞóÏú ÞóØóÚó ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö

And one who breaks off ties with you, has broken off ties with the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him and his Household. áöÃóäøóßö ÈöÖúÚóÉñ ãöäúåõ

This is because you are an inseparable part of him (the Prophet), æóÑõæÍõåõ ÇáøóÐöí Èóíúäó ÌóäúÈóíúåö¡

and you are his soul with which he lives. ÃõÔúåöÏõ Çááåó æóÑõÓõáóåõ æóãóáÂÆößóÊóåõ

I ask Allah, His Messengers, and His angels to be the witnesses, Ãóäøöí ÑóÇÖò Úóãøóäú ÑóÖöíÊö Úóäúåõ¡

that indeed I am pleased with the one you are pleased with, ÓóÇÎöØñ Úóáìٰ ãóäú ÓóÎöØúÊö Úóáóíúåö¡

and I am displeased with the one you are displeased with, ãõÊóÈóÑøöÆñ ãöÜãøóäú ÊóÈóÑøóÃúÊö ãöäúåõ¡

and I disavow the one whomsoever you disavow, ãõæóÇáò áÜöãóäú æóÇáóíúÊö¡

and I am loyal to the one whom you support, ãõÚóÇÏò áöÜãóäú ÚóÇÏóíúÊö¡

and I am an enemy of the one who you betake as an enemy, ãõÈúÛöÖñ áÜöãóäú ÃóÈúÛóÖúÊö¡

and I am hateful to the one whom you hate, ãõÍöÈøñ áÜöãóäú ÃóÍúÈóÈúÊö¡

and I like the one whom you like. æóßóÝìٰ ÈöÇááåö ÔóåöíÏÇð æóÍóÓöíÈÇð

Verily, Allah is Sufficient as a Witness, and a Reckoner, æóÌóÇÒöíÇð æóãõËöíÈÇð

and a Punisher, and a Rewarder.
You may then pray to Almighty Allah to send
blessings upon the Noble Prophet and the Imams.
Among the recommended acts on the third of Jumadi al-Akhir (the martyrdom day of Lady Fatima Zahra’), another form of ziyarah for her has also been cited by some scholars whose statements are similar to the statements of the aforementioned ziyarah that was quoted from Shaykh al-Tusi. However, the complete form of this ziyarah is as follows: ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÑóÓõæáö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the Messenger of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó äóÈöíøö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the Prophet of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÍóÈöíÈö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the most beloved one of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó Îóáöíáö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the close friend of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÕóÝöíøö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the chosen one of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó Ãóãöíäö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the trustee of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÎóíúÑö ÎóáúÞö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the best of Allah’s creations. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÃóÝúÖóáö ÃóäúÈöíóÂÁö Çááåö æóÑõÓõáöåö æóãóáÂÆößóÊöåö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the best of Allah’s prophets, messengers and angels. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÈöäúÊó ÎóíúÑö ÇáúÈóÑöíøóÉö¡

Peace be upon you O daughter of the best of created beings. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÓóíøöÏóÉó äöÓóÂÁö ÇáúÚóÇáóÜãöíäó ãöäó ÇáÃóæøóáöíäó æóÇáÂÎöÑöíäó¡

Peace be upon you O the Leader of all women of the world, including the past and the future generations. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÒóæúÌóÉó æóáöíøö Çááåö æóÎóíúÑö ÇáúÜÎóáúÞö ÈóÚúÏó ÑóÓõæáö Çááåö¡

Peace be upon you O the lady of the intimate servant of Allah and the best of all created beings after the Messenger of Allah. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ Ãõãøó ÇáúÜÍóÓóäö æóÇáúÜÍõÓóíúäö

Peace be upon you O the mother of Hasan and Husayn, ÓóíøöÏóíú ÔóÈóÇÈö Ãóåúáö ÇáúÜÌóäøóÉö¡

the two masters of the youth of paradise. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáÕöøÏøöíÞóÉõ ÇáÔøóåöíÏóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the veracious, the martyred one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáÑøóÖöíøóÉõ ÇáúÜãóÑúÖöíøóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the content, the pleased one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÝóÇÖöáóÉõ ÇáÒøóßöíøóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the virtuous, the pure one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÜÍóæúÑóÂÁõ ÇáÅöäúÓöíøóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the paradisiacal human being. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáÊøóÞöíøóÉõ ÇáäøóÞöíøóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the pious, the immaculate one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÜãõÍóÏøóËóÉõ ÇáúÚóáöíãóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the one whom the angels spoke to, the knowledgeable one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÜãóÙúáõæãóÉõ ÇáúÜãóÛúÕõæÈóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the oppressed lady whose right was usurped. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÜãõÖúØóåóÏóÉõ ÇáúÜãóÞúåõæÑóÉõ¡

Peace be upon you O the persecuted, the maltreated one. ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÝóÇØöãóÉõ ÈöäúÊó ÑóÓõæáö Çááåö

Peace be upon you O Fatima, daughter of the Messenger of Allah. æóÑóÍúãóÉõ Çááåö æóÈóÑóßóÇÊõåõ¡

So upon you be the mercy and blessings of Allah. Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúßö

May Allah send His prayers upon you, æóÚóáìٰ ÑõæÍößö æóÈóÏóäößö¡

And your soul, and your body. ÃóÔúåóÏõ Ãóäøóßö ãóÖóíúÊö Úóáìٰ ÈóíøöäóÉò ãöäú ÑóÈøößö¡

I bear witness that you have spent your life with full awareness of your duty towards your Lord; æóÃóäøó ãóäú ÓóÑøóßö ÝóÞóÏú ÓóÑøó ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö¡

And (I bear witness) that one who pleases you, will have pleased the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his Household, æóãóäú ÌóÝóÇßö ÝóÞóÏú ÌóÝóÇ ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö¡

And the one who displeases you will have displeased the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his Household. æóãóäú ÂÐóÇßö ÝóÞóÏú ÂÐóì ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö¡

And the one who harms you will have harmed the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his Household. æóãóäú æóÕóáóßö ÝóÞóÏú æóÕóáó ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö

And the one who respects you, will have respected the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his Household. æóãóäú ÞóØóÚóßö ÝóÞóÏú ÞóØóÚó ÑóÓõæáó Çááåö Õóáøóì Çááåõ Úóáóíúåö æóÂáöåö

And the one who disrespects you will have disrespected the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his Household. áöÃóäøóßö ÈöÖúÚóÉñ ãöäúåõ

This is because you are an inseparable part of him (the Prophet), æóÑõæÍõåõ ÇáøóÐöí Èóíúäó ÌóäúÈóíúåö.

and you are his soul with which he lives. ÃõÔúåöÏõ Çááåó æóãóáÂÆößóÊóåõ Ãóäøöí æóáÜöíøö áÜöãóäú æóÇáÇóßö¡

I ask Allah and His angels to be the witnesses that I am the friend of one who adheres to you, æóÚóÏõæøñ áÜöãóäú ÚóÇÏóÇßö¡

and I am the enemy to one who is an enemy of you, æóÍóÑúÈñ áÜöãóäú ÍóÇÑóÈóßö¡

and I am at war against one who wages war against you. ÃóäóÇ íóÇ ãóæúáÇóÊöí Èößö æóÈöÃóÈöíßö æóÈóÚúáößö æóÇáÃóÆöãøóÉö ãöäú æõáúÏößö ãõæÞöäñ¡

O my master! I have full faith in you, your father, your husband, and your sons - the Imams; æóÈöæöáÇóíóÊöåöãú ãõÄúãöäñ¡

and I believe in their (Divinely commissioned) leadership; æóáöØóÇÚóÊöåöãú ãõáúÊóÒöãñ¡

and I commit myself to their obedience. ÃóÔúåóÏõ Ãóäøó ÇáÏøöíäó Ïöíäõåõãú¡

I bear witness that their religion is the true religion; æóÇáúÜÍõßúãó Íõßúãõåõãú¡

and their command is the true command; æóåõãú ÞóÏú ÈóáøóÛõæÇ Úóäö Çááåö ÚóÒøó æóÌóáøó¡

and they have conveyed (the message) on behalf of Almighty Allah (flawlessly); æóÏóÚóæúÇ Åöáìٰ ÓóÈöíáö Çááåö ÈöÇáúÍößúãóÉö æóÇáúÜãóæúÚöÙóÉö ÇáúÜÍóÓóäóÉö¡

and they have called to the Way of Allah with wisdom and fair exhortation. áÇó ÊóÃúÎõÐõåõãú Ýöí Çááåö áóæúãóÉõ áÇóÆöãò¡

They have never feared the blame of anyone concerning carrying out their duty towards Almighty Allah. æóÕóáóæóÇÊõ Çááåö Úóáóíúßö æóÚóáìٰ ÃóÈöíßö æóÈóÚúáößö

Blessings of Allah be upon you, and upon your father, and your husband, æóÐõÑøöíøóÊößö ÇáÃóÆöãøóÉö ÇáØøóÇåöÑöíäó.

And your descendants - the Immaculate Imams. Ãóááøٰåõãø Õóáöø Úóáìٰ ãõÍóãøóÏò æóÃóåúáö ÈóíúÊöåö

O Allah send blessings upon Muhammad and his Household, æóÕóáøö Úóáìٰ ÇáúÈóÊõæáö ÇáØøóÇåöÑóÉö

And upon the immaculate, the pure lady, ÃóáÕöøÏøöíÞóÉö ÇáúÜãóÚúÕõæãóÉö

The veracious, the sinless one, ÃóáÊøóÞöíøóÉö ÇáäøóÞöíøóÉö

The pious, the immaculate one, ÃóáÑøóÖöíøóÉö ÇáúÜãóÑúÖöíøóÉö

The content, the well-pleased one, ÇáÒøßöíøóÉö ÇáÑóøÔöíÏóÉö

The chaste, the rightly guided one, ÇáúÜãóÙúáõæãóÉö ÇáúÜãóÞúåõæÑóÉö¡

The oppressed, the wronged one, ÇáúÜãóÛúÕõæÈóÉö ÍóÞøõåóÇ¡

The one whose right was usurped, ÇáúÜãóãúäõæÚóÉö ÅöÑúËõåóÇ¡

(The one) whose right of inheritance was violated, ÇáúÜãóßúÓõæÑóÉö ÖöáúÚõåóÇ¡

(The one) whose rib was broken, ÇáúÜãóÙúáõæãö ÈóÚúáõåóÇ¡

(The one) whose husband was persecuted, ÇáúÜãóÞúÊõæáö æóáóÏõåóÇ¡

(The one) whose son was slain; ÝóÇØöãóÉó ÈöäúÊö ÑóÓõæáößó¡

(she is) Fatima: the daughter of Your Messenger, æóÈóÖúÚóÉö áóÜÍúãöåö¡

and part of his flesh, æóÕóãöíãö ÞóáúÈöåö¡

and essence of his heart, æóÝöáúÐóÉö ßóÈöÏöåö¡

and piece of his innermost, æóÇáäøóÎúÈóÉö ãöäúßó áóåõ¡

and choice of You for him, æóÇáÊøõÍúÝóÉö ÎóÕóÕúÊó ÈöåóÇ æóÕöíøõåõ¡

and gift that You gave exclusively to his (the Prophet’s) successor, æóÍóÈöíÈóÉö ÇáúÜãõÕúØóÝìٰ¡

and most beloved of the chosen Prophet æóÞóÑöíäóÉö ÇáúÜãõÑúÊóÖìٰ¡

and wife of the pleased successor, æóÓóíøöÏóÉö ÇáäøöÓóÂÁö¡

and Leader of all women, æóãõÈóÔøöÑóÉö ÇáÃóæúáöíóÂÁö¡

and conveyor of good tidings to the intimate servants (of Almighty Allah), ÍóáöíÝóÉö ÇáúæóÑóÚö æóÇáÒøõåúÏö¡

the inseparable one from piety and asceticism, æóÊõÝøóÇÍóÉö ÇáúÝöÑúÏóæúÓö æóÇáúÜÎõáúÏö

and apple of the heaven and eternity (in paradise); ÃóáøóÊöí ÔóÑøóÝúÊó ãóæúáöÏóåóÇ ÈöäöÓóÂÁö ÇáúÜÌóäøóÉö¡

the lady through whose birth You have honoured the women of paradise, æóÓóáóáúÊó ãöäúåóÇ ÃóäúæóÇÑó ÇáÃóÆöãøóÉö¡

from whom You pulled the Lights of the Imams, æóÃóÑúÎóíúÊó ÏõæäóÜåóÇ ÍöÌóÇÈó ÇáäøõÈõæøóÉö.

and fixed the veil of prophethood Ãóááøٰåõãø Õóáøö ÚóáóíúåóÇ ÕóáÇóÉð ÊóÒöíÏõ Ýöí ãóÜÍóáøöåóÇ ÚöäúÏóßó¡

O Allah confer upon her the blessings that raise her standing, æóÔóÑóÝöåóÇ áóÏóíúßó¡

and her honour with You; æóãóäúÒöáóÊöåóÇ ãöäú ÑöÖóÇßó¡

and raise her position in Your Pleasure, æóÈóáøöÛúåóÇ ãöäøóÇ ÊóÜÍöíøóÉð æóÓóáÇóãÇð¡

and convey to her our greetings and salutations; æóÂÊöäóÇ ãöäú áóÏõäúßó Ýöí ÍõÈøöåóÇ ÝóÖúáÇð æóÅöÍúÓóÇäÇð æóÑóÍúÜãóÉð æóÛõÝúÑóÇäÇð

and grant us favour, kindness, mercy, and forgiveness from You on account of our love for her. Åöäøóßó Ðõæ ÇáúÚóÝúæö ÇáúßóÑöíãö.

Verily You are the All-Generous Lord of forgiveness.
Ziyarah of Fatima for the third of Jumadi al-Akhir

ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ÓóíøöÏóÉó äöÓóÂÁö ÇáúÚóÇáóÜãöíäó¡

Peace be upon you O the leader of the women of the world! ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ æóÇáöÏóÉó ÇáúÜÍõÌóÌö Úóáìٰ ÇáäøóÇÓö ÃóÌúÜãóÚöíäó¡

Peace be upon you O the mother of the proof over all people! ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö ÃóíøóÊõåóÇ ÇáúÜãóÙúáõæãóÉõ ÇáúÜãóãúäõæÚóÉõ ÍóÞøõåóÇ.

Peace be upon you O the wronged one whose right was usurped. Ãóááøٰåõãø Õóáøö Úóáìٰ ÃóãóÊößó æóÇÈúäóÉö äóÈöíøößó æóÒóæÌóÉö æóÕöíøö äóÈöíøößó

O Allah send blessings upon Your servant, the daughter of Your Prophet, the wife of the Successor of Your Prophet – ÕóáÇóÉð ÊõÒúáöÝõåóÇ ÝóæúÞó ÒõáúÝìٰ ÚöÈóÇÏößó ÇáúÜãõßóÑøóãöíäó

Such remarkable blessings that approach her nearer to You than the steps (of proximity taken by) Your honoured servants ãöäú Ãóåúáö ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÃóåúáö ÇáÃóÑúÖöíäó

From among the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth.
Ziyarah of Fatima Zahra’ on Sunday

ÃóáÓøóáÇóãõ Úóáóíúßö íóÇ ãõÜãúÊóÍóäóÉõ

Peace be on you, O the carefully examined one, ÅöãúÊóÍóäóßö ÇáøóÐöí ÎóáóÞóßö ÝóæóÌóÏóßö áöÜãóÇ ÇãúÊóÍóäóßö ÕóÇÈöÑóÉð

Allah had tried you before He created you (for this worldly life), And thus He found you successfully enduring in that trial. ÃóäóÇ áóßö ãõÕóÏøóÞñ ÕóÇÈöÑñ Úóáìٰ ãóÇ ÃóÊóì Èöåö ÃóÈõæßö æóæóÕöíøöåõ

I believe in you; and I bear patiently all that which has been conveyed by your father and his successor ÕóáóæóÇÊõ Çááåö Úóáóíúåöãú

Blessings of Allah be upon all of them. æóÃóäóÇ ÃóÓúÃóáõßö Åöäú ßõäúÊõ ÕóÏøóÞúÊõßö ÅöáÇøó ÃóáúÜÍóÞúÊöäöí ÈöÊóÕúÏöíÞöí áóÜåõãú

I beseech you, if I have stated the truth, to bind me together with the testimony, concerning both of them; áöÊõÓóÑøö äóÝúÓöí

In order to give joy and satisfaction to my soul. ÝóÇÔúåóÏöí Ãóäøöí ØóÇåöÑñ ÈöæóáÇóíóÊößö æóæöáÇóíóÉö Âáö ÈóíúÊößö

So bear witness that truly I, by heart, made evident your, and your family’s leadership ÕóáóæóÇÊõ Çááåö Úóáóíúåöãú ÃóÌúÜãóÚöíäó.

Translated by Badr Shahin

Edited by Arifa Hudda

ÚÇÔÞÉ Çã ÇáÍÓäíä 12-01-2020 01:39 PM

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ãÍÜÈ ÇáÍÓíä 16-01-2020 06:33 AM


ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä 12:42 AM

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