عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 24-11-2012, 10:30 AM   رقم المشاركة : 8

آية بسمله

الملف الشخصي

آية بسمله غير متواجد حالياً


Clindamycin phosphate

Trade name: Dalacin
Class: antibiotic, clindamycin
Pregnancy: Category B

Action: suppress protein synthesis by microorganisms by binding to ribosomes It is both bacteriostatic & bactericidal

Serious respiratory tract infections (lung abscess, pneumonia)
Serious skin infections
Osteomyelitis caused by staphylococci
Used topically for inflammatory acne vulgaris

Dose : by mouth, 150–300 mg every 6 hours; up to 450 mg every 6 hours in severe infections; CHILD, 3–6 mg/kg every 6 hours
Patients should discontinue immediately and contact doctor if diarrhea develops; capsules should be swallowed with a glass of water
By deep intramuscular injection or by intravenous infusion, 06–27 g daily (in 2–4 divided doses); life-threatening infection, up to 48 g daily; single doses above 600 mg by intravenous infusion only; single doses by intravenous infusion not to exceed 12 g
CHILD over 1 month, 15–40 mg/kg daily in 3–4 divided doses; severe infections, at least 300 mg daily regardless of weight

Minor bacterial infections

Side effects
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tenesmus
Loss of weight, pseudo membranous colitis, skin rashes
Thrombophlebitis following IV use

Nursing considerations
Give parenteral drug to hospitalized client only
Dilute IV injections If IM, inject medication deeply
Don’t refrigerate solution because it becomes thick
Before use, take full history & not signs of allergy
Be prepared to manage colitis which can occur 2-9 days or several weeks after initiation of therapy Which includes: fluids, electrolytes, Protein supplement, corticosteroids, and Vancomycin as ordered
During IV administration, observe for signs of hypotension
Administer only on an empty stomach With a full glass of water to prevent esophageal ulceration

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