العودة   منتديات احباب الحسين عليه السلام > القسم الأدبي > احباب الحسين للغة العربيه واللغات الاجنبيه
احباب الحسين للغة العربيه واللغات الاجنبيه لكل مايتعلق بلغتنا العربيه واللغات الاجنبيه
روابط مفيدة مشاركات اليوم البحث

Umm-ul-Banin mother of al-’Abbas

احباب الحسين للغة العربيه واللغات الاجنبيه

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 02-01-2023, 10:34 AM   رقم المشاركة : 1

صدى المهدي

مراقـــبة عـــــامة

الصورة الرمزية صدى المهدي

الملف الشخصي

صدى المهدي غير متواجد حالياً

افتراضي Umm-ul-Banin mother of al-’Abbas

Umm-ul-Banin is the glorious mother of al-’Abbas. Her name was Fatima, daughter of Hizam. Historians have referred to
her name among names of eleven mothers each of whom were known for their glory, honor, and good reputation.1 Her father too was one of the most celebrated personalities of the Arabs, and was the chief of his people.
Historians have also mentioned many names of this great lady’s ancestors that were well known for their horsemanship, heroism, and courage.2
In conclusion, Umm-ul-Banin belonged to one of the most celebrated families in fields of honor, open-handedness, nobility, courage, and bravery.


When Imam ‘Ali lost his wife Fatima, the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S), he summoned his brother ‘Aqil who was a well- known genealogist to ask him to search for a lady who being a descendant of heroes would give birth to a courageous, immaculate hero whose mission would be to support his brother al-Husayn (S) in the field of Karbala.3
Without hesitation, ‘Aqil advised his brother to propose to Umm-ul-Banin - from the tribe of Kelab because her fathers and people had been the foremost among others in fields of heroism and courage. Agreeing to his advice, Imam ‘Ali asked his brother ‘Aqil to go to that lady’s father and ask her hand for him.
As soon as ‘Aqil mentioned the matter with him, Aamir - Umm-ul-Banin’s father - welcomed and responded to it with pride.
Some historians4 have confirmed that Imam ‘Ali married Umm-ul-Banin after the death of his first wife Fatima the veracious (a). Others5 have recorded that Imam ‘Ali had married Imama, daughter of Zaynab daughter of the Prophet, before Umm-ul-Banin.
Her Situations

Lady Umm-ul-Banin took care of al-Hasan and al-Husayn so remarkably well that she had asked her husband not to call her with her name Fatima, so that this name would not remind these two boys of their mother. They, however, felt the extreme kindness and sympathy of this lady who could fill a part of the great loss of their own mother whose demise had left a deep sadness in their minds.
Emotionally, Umm-ul-Banin had great love for al-Hasan and al- Husayn because of their perfection and unique morality. She in fact loved them more than her own children. She also preferred them to her sons in taking care and responsibility.
Except for this great lady, history has never seen a fellow wife act so sincerely with her stepsons. This is because this perfect lady believed that it was her religious duty to take care of the two Imams the love for who is imposed by God and revealed in the Qur’an:
Say, ‘I do not ask you for any payment for my preaching to you except (your) love of (my near) relatives’6.
In the Sight of the Ahlul Bayt

Umm-ul-Banin had full knowledge of the actual standings and heavenly ranks of the Ahlul Bayt, therefore, she performed her duty towards them so perfectly. Historian have recorded that when she was carried to her husband’s house, al-Hasan and al- Husayn were sick. As soon as she noticed this, she willingly went on caressing them, using the nicest language. From that time onwards, she went on treating them very kindly. For this reason, she occupies a great position in the eyes of the Ahlul Bayt who had immense regard for her, especially because of her unique bearing in loyalty towards Imam al-Husayn (a).
As soon as she was back home after the tragedy of Karbala - Zaynab, daughter of Imam ‘Ali, visited Umm-ul-Banin for condoling her for the martyrdom of her four sons. Moreover, Zaynab used to visit her on the Eids.7
Umm-ul-Banin gave birth to four sons: al-’Abbas, Abdullah, Ja’far, and Uthman. After the death of Imam ‘Ali, she did not marry again until she died.
In the Sight of Muslims

As for the Ahlul Bayt, this lady also occupies a great position in the sights of Muslims.
Many believe that she has a great position in the sight of God who will surely respond to any request that is presented through the intercession of her great position. It is natural that such a great lady occupies a great position in the sight of God because she sacrificed her four sons for His sake.
  • 1. See Abu-al-Faraj al-Isfahani, Maqatil ut-Talibiyyin
  • 2. See Ibn Zaydoun, ar-Risala 1/130; Abu-al-Faraj, al-Aghani, 15/50
  • 3. See Tanqih ul-Maqal, 2/128
  • 4. Such as at-Tabari, Ibn ul-Athir, and Abu-al-Fida
  • 5. Such as Ibn Shahrashub and others
  • 6. The Holy Qur’an, Surah of ash-Shura (42), Verse 23
  • 7. See al-Shahid ul-Awwal, al-Majmou’a

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من مواضيع صدى المهدي » الانتظار والصِّراع بين المستضعفين والمستكبرين
» الإستفتاءات … أسئلة بشأن البيع والشراء
» أنَّ الدين هو وسيلة اخترعها الأقوياء والأثرياء لتخدير الفقراء
» تحت شعار (من نهج الزهراء حجابي وبزينب اقتدائي)
» زيارة حمزة بن عبد المطلب (ره) في أحد
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-01-2023, 10:34 AM   رقم المشاركة : 2

صدى المهدي

مراقـــبة عـــــامة

الصورة الرمزية صدى المهدي

الملف الشخصي

صدى المهدي غير متواجد حالياً



السلام عليكِ أيتهَا الطيبة الطاهرة ،
السلام عليك أيتها الصابرة الشاكرة ،
السلام عليك أيتها العالمة العاملة ،
السلام عليك أيتها الفاضلة الزكية ،
السلام عليك أيتها التقية النقية ،
السلام عليك أيتها الرضية المرضية ،
السلام عليك يا زوجة ولي الله ،
السلام عليك يا حليلة أمير المؤمنين ،
السلام عليك يا أم البنين ،
السلام عليك يا أم العباس بن أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ،
السلام عليك وعلى أولادك الأربعة المستشهدين بين يدي الإمام الحسين عليه السلام يوم عاشوراء ،
رضوان الله تعالى عليك ، وجعل الله أعالي الجنة منزلِكِ ومأواكِ ،
يا وجيهة عند الله ، اشفعي لنا عند الله ، وصلى الله على محمد وآله الطيبين الطاهرين .

Peace be on you, the pure purified,
Peace be on you, O the Patient & Thankful
Peace be on you O the Knowledgeable & who acted on the knowledge
Peace be on you O Honored (Fazila) & Purified(Zakiya)
Peace be upon you O Pious(Taqiya)& Naqia
Peace be upon you O Razia & Marziya (Pleased with HIS decree)

Peace be upon you the wife of the Vicergent of Allah,
Peace be upon you o companion of Ameer ul Momineen
Peace be on you, O Ummul Baneen

Peace be on you, the mother of Abbas, son of Amir al-Muïآ؟½mineen, Ali ibn Abu Talib,
Peace be upon you & your four sons who sacrificed their lives on Imam Hussain (as) on the day of Ashura
May Allah be pleased with you and make Heaven your home and resting place, with Godïآ؟½s mercy and blessings.
O intimate of Allah, Stand by us when Allah sits in judgment over us.
Send Blessings on Muhammad & his pure family

من مواضيع صدى المهدي » الانتظار والصِّراع بين المستضعفين والمستكبرين
» الإستفتاءات … أسئلة بشأن البيع والشراء
» أنَّ الدين هو وسيلة اخترعها الأقوياء والأثرياء لتخدير الفقراء
» تحت شعار (من نهج الزهراء حجابي وبزينب اقتدائي)
» زيارة حمزة بن عبد المطلب (ره) في أحد
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-01-2023, 10:35 AM   رقم المشاركة : 3

صدى المهدي

مراقـــبة عـــــامة

الصورة الرمزية صدى المهدي

الملف الشخصي

صدى المهدي غير متواجد حالياً


ashort biography of Umm al Baneen (a.s.)

SHAFAQNA – Some years after the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima Zahra -S.A- Imam Ali -A.S- expressed his desire to his brother Aqil bin Abu Talib -A.S) to marry a woman of a brave tribe. Hazrat Aqeel was a very knowledgeable in tribe genealogy and he immediately proposed the name of Hazrat Fatima binte Hazam bin Khalid and the marriage took place soon after.
Much earlier during 8 A.H., Imam Ali -S.A- had been given the prophecy by Prophet Mohammad -pbuh- of a brave son who would be martyred alongside with his brother Imam Hussain -A.S) on the day of Ashura. Ever since then, Imam Ali -A.S- had been waiting for the birth of that son which came in the person of Hazrat Abbas -A.S-
The woman, who bore and brought up that Hero – Hazrat Abbas -A.S.-, the standard-bearer to Imam Hussain -A.S.-, was Umm-al-Banin -A.S-. She was the daughter of Hazam ibn Khalid and wife of Imam Ali -A.S-. She was from the courageous family of Bani Kalab. Her maiden name was Fatima, but when she bore Imam Ali four sons — she was called Umm-al-Banin -i.e., mother of sons only-.
Ummul Banin -S.A- had such sincerity toward the Holy Prophet’s progeny that she loved Imam Hussain -A.S- more than her own children. A feeling which was from the bottom of her heart – It was to the extent that when she received the news stating the martyrdom of her four children, she said: “Tell me about Hussain -A.S.-” and when she received the news of Imam Hussain -A.S.-‘s martyrdom she said: “All of the arteries of my heart are torn. May all of my children and whatever that exist under this azure heaven be sacrificed for the sake of Imam Hussain -A.S-.
Ummul Banin -S.A- gathered women of Madinah in her house and all cried for the martyrdom of Imam Husain was the first ever Majlis conducted after the martyrdom of Imam Husain A.S-.
After the arrival of Imam Sajjad -A.S- and Hazrat Zainab -S.A- in Madinah Hadrat Ummul Baneen used to continuously gather women in her house and narrate them how Imam Husain a.s.- and his companions were martyred by Yazidi forces.
Hazrat Ummul Banin -S.A- was a great poetess and she is considered as the first Noha -lamentation poetry- reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain -A.S-. She used to visit regularly the famous Jannat ul-Baqi cemetery in Madinah and recite her Nohas in a very sad voice that everybody present there used to weep bitterly.
She transformed the Jannat ul-Baqi cemetery in Madinah as “the Centre of Azadari of Imam Husain -A.S-. The Nohas recited by Hazrat Ummul Banin for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain -A.S- are recorded in history and are considered as masterpieces in Arabic literature.

من مواضيع صدى المهدي » الانتظار والصِّراع بين المستضعفين والمستكبرين
» الإستفتاءات … أسئلة بشأن البيع والشراء
» أنَّ الدين هو وسيلة اخترعها الأقوياء والأثرياء لتخدير الفقراء
» تحت شعار (من نهج الزهراء حجابي وبزينب اقتدائي)
» زيارة حمزة بن عبد المطلب (ره) في أحد
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-01-2023, 10:36 AM   رقم المشاركة : 4

صدى المهدي

مراقـــبة عـــــامة

الصورة الرمزية صدى المهدي

الملف الشخصي

صدى المهدي غير متواجد حالياً



When Imam Ali lost his wife, Fatima the daughter of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him and his household), he summoned his brother Aqil who was a well-known genealogist to ask him to search for a lady being the descendant of heroes so that she would give birth of a courageous, immaculate hero whose mission would be supporting his brother in the field of Karbala.1

Without hesitation, Aqil advised his brother to propose to Umm-ul-Banin; from the tribe of Kelab, because her fathers and people had been the foremost among others in fields of heroism and courage. Agreeing to his advice, Imam Ali asked his brother, Aqil, to go to that lady's father and ask her hand for him.

As soon as Aqil mentioned the matter with him, Aamir -Umm-ul-Banin's father- welcomed and responded with pride.

Some historians2 have confirmed that Imam Ali married Umm-ul-Banin after the death of his first wife Fatima the Veracious (peace be upon her). Others3 have recorded that Imam Ali had married Imama, daughter of Zaynab daughter of the Prophet, before Umm-ul-Banin.

* Adopted from the book : "Al-Abbas"

1- See Tanqih ul-Maqal; 2/128.
2- Such as at-Tabari, Ibn ul-Athir, and Abu-al-Fida.
3- Such as Ibn Shah

من مواضيع صدى المهدي » الانتظار والصِّراع بين المستضعفين والمستكبرين
» الإستفتاءات … أسئلة بشأن البيع والشراء
» أنَّ الدين هو وسيلة اخترعها الأقوياء والأثرياء لتخدير الفقراء
» تحت شعار (من نهج الزهراء حجابي وبزينب اقتدائي)
» زيارة حمزة بن عبد المطلب (ره) في أحد
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-01-2023, 10:36 AM   رقم المشاركة : 5

صدى المهدي

مراقـــبة عـــــامة

الصورة الرمزية صدى المهدي

الملف الشخصي

صدى المهدي غير متواجد حالياً


Hazrat Abbas (A.S.) was the son of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.).His mother's name was Fatima Binte Hazam bin Khalid Ibn-e-Rabi'e Ibn-e-Amer Kalbi. She was also known as 'Ummul Baneen'. She belonged to the clan of Banu Kilah, which was one the noblest families amongst the Hashimites and famous for the bravery and valour of its warriors.

According to historical accounts Hadrat Ummul Baneen was born in the year 5 A.H.

Some years after the martyrdom of Fatima Zahra (A.S.), Imam Ali (A.S.) asked his brother Aqil ibn Abi Talib (A.S.) to offer the marriage proposal to a woman from a brave progeny. Being so knowledgeable in this regard, Aqil wooed Fatima Binte Hazam (Ummul Baneen) for Imam (A.S.) and they got married.

One of the bravest of the Holy Prophet's followers Ja'far Tayyar, the brother of Hazrat Ali (A.S.). In the battle of Muta, Ja'far Tayyar carried the Banner of Islam and in that battle he was out-numbered by the enemies and killed.

When the news reached the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) he cried and prayed for Ja'far's soul and the angel Gabriel came down and consoled (the Prophet), saying "Ja'far was a brave and loyal soldier. God has given him everlasting life, and in place of two arms which were cut off in the battle, the Lord has given him a pair of wings".

Hazrat Ali (A.S.), who was sitting near the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) at that time, said, "Please pray to God that I should die fighting for the cause of Islam and become a martyr."

But the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said, "O Ali (A.S.), your death has already been decreed. You shall die in the mosque during your prayers, but the Almighty will give you a son who will die in the battle on Ashura day".

From that time Imam Ali (A.S.) eagerly awaited the birth of that son. (This prophecy was made in the year 8 A.H. when Imam Hasan (A.S.) was 5 years old and Imam Husain (A.S.) was 4.)

Imam Ali (A.S.) weds Hadrat Ummul Baneen

The world around the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) witnessed and history has vouched the fact that the gap in the domestic life and the happiness of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), created by the demise of Hadrat Khadija (A.S.) doubtlessly proved as irreparable for no other woman fittingly filled it up to give the Apostle of God the happiness at home or the harmony in his domestic life, and it is only about the good Hadrat Umme Salamah that the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: Ante ala! Khair,' i.e., Thou art on goodness, which the good Lady proved true by not leaving the house of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) even after his departure from this world, and remaining as attached to his Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) as she was during his lifetime.

The same was the case with Hadrat Ali (A.S.) the First Imam, the Vicegerent of God on earth, succeeding the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.). After the martyrdom of the Holy Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.), there was none in the world to take her holy place in the house of Imam Ali (A.S.) and the good Lady Ummul-Baneen served Hadrat Ali (A.S.) after Holy Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.) as did Umme Salamah to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) after the demise of Hadrat Khadija (A.S.).

The Alliance for a Holy Cause

The prophecy from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) about the impending Zibhe Azeem' or the Great Martyrdom of Husain (A.S.), had gained so much currency and had become a matter of such a conviction and concern to the Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) that after the martyrdom of Holy Hadrat Fatima Zahra (A.S.), Imam A1i (A.S.) called his brother Aqeel who was known for his knowledge about the tribal genealogies and told him to find out a respectable lady of a noble family, known for its bravery, for him to wed for he wanted to have a brave son from her to be his own representative there at Karbala to serve Husain (A.S.) the son of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and help him in the calamitous situation against his enemies and lay his life defending Husain (A.S.) on his own behalf, for Hasan (A.S.) and Husain (A.S.) were hailed as the sons of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and each one was addressed as Ibne Rasoolullah' (son of the Holy Prophet).

All expressly and particularly stressed when he told Aqeel for the selection of a lady, that he wanted the determined issue from the lady to be the bravest one in the world, to serve Husain (A.S.) at Karbala on his own behalf. Aqeel said: "Marry thou, Ummul-Baneen-e-Kalbi, the daughter of Hazm bin Khalid-e-Kalbi, for braver than her father, there was none in the tribes.

Fatima Binte Hazam was an accomplished and cultured lady, and bore Hazrat Ali's four sons, Abbas, Abdulla, Ja'far and Usman. The meaning of 'Ummul Baneen' is 'Mother of Sons'. All of her sons were martyred along with Imam Husain. After their martyrdom, she requested people not to call her 'Ummul Baneen' ever again.

The day she entered the household of Hazrat Ali, she made it very plain to Imam Hasan (A.S.) and Imam Husain (A.S.) that she considered herself their slave, and she hoped and prayed that they would accept her as one. Her respect and affection for there was soon reciprocated by the two brothers, and even after her children were born, Imam Hasan (A.S.) and Imam Husain (A.S.) occupied a foremost place in her heart.

When Imam Husain (A.S.) was leaving Madinah for Iraq Hadrat Ummul Baneen asked her four sons, Hadrat Abbas (A.S.), Abdulla, Ja'far and Usman to sacrifice their lives in the sacred cause of Imam Husain (A.S.).

On 10th Muharram 61A.H.,the day of martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S.) and his 72 faithful companions at the battlefield of Karbala when Hadrat Umme Salamah witnessed that the earth in the bottle given to him by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has turned into blood she raised the cry of "Ya Husain" Ya Husain" and declared that according Imam Husain (A.S.) has been martyred according to the prophecy foretold to her by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) about the martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S.).

Then Ummul Baneen gathered women of Madinah in her house and all cried for the martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S.). This was the first ever Majlis conducted after the martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S.).

Ummul Baneen had such sincerity toward the Holy Prophet's progeny that she loved Imam Hussain (A.S.) more than her own children. A feeling which was from the bottom of her heart. It was to the extent that when she received the news stating the martyrdom of her four children, she said: "Tell me about Hussain (A.S.)" and when she received the news of Imam Hussain (A.S.)'s martyrdom she said: "All of the arteries of my heart are torn. May all of my children and what ever that exists under this azure heaven be sacrificed for the sake of Imam Hussain (A.S.).

The first Noheh (lamentation poetry) Reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S.)

After the arrival of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) and Hadrat Zainab (A.S.) in Madinah Hadrat Ummul Baneen used to gather women in her house and used to narrate them how Imam Husain (A.S.) and his companions were martyred by Yazidi forces.

Hadrat Ummul Baneen was a great poet and she is considered as the first Noheh (lamentation poetry) Reciter for the martyrdom of Imam Husain (A.S.). She used to visit regularly the famous Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Madinah and recite her Noheh in a very sad and pathetic voice that everybody present there used to weep bitterly.

She transformed the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in Madinah as "the Centre of Azadari of Imam Husain (A.S.)". The Noheh recited by Hadrat Ummul Baneen for the martyrdom of Imam Husian (A.S.) is recorded in history and is considered as masterpiece in Arabic literature.

It is recorded in historical accounts that Hadrat Ummul Baneen died on 13th Jamadi al-Thani 64 A.H. and was buried in the Jannat al-Baqi cemetery in the holy city of Madinah.
* Compiled by Dr Hyder Reza Zabeth

من مواضيع صدى المهدي » الانتظار والصِّراع بين المستضعفين والمستكبرين
» الإستفتاءات … أسئلة بشأن البيع والشراء
» أنَّ الدين هو وسيلة اخترعها الأقوياء والأثرياء لتخدير الفقراء
» تحت شعار (من نهج الزهراء حجابي وبزينب اقتدائي)
» زيارة حمزة بن عبد المطلب (ره) في أحد
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-01-2023, 10:37 AM   رقم المشاركة : 6

صدى المهدي

مراقـــبة عـــــامة

الصورة الرمزية صدى المهدي

الملف الشخصي

صدى المهدي غير متواجد حالياً


The Mother of Her Sons (Part 1)
Throughout Islamic history, only a handful of women have emerged as models of perfect womanhood in all legitimate social and religious domains. In addition to the four leading women of world – Ladies Maryam, Asiya, Khadija, and Fatima Zahra (peace be upon them all) – there are several women without whom the religion of Islam would have greatly stumbled.

Lady Fatima, daughter of Hizam bin Khalid bin Rabi, more commonly referred to as Lady Ummul Baneen (peace be upon her), ranks among the most esteemed and pious of Muslim women to this date and will remain so due to her courage, piety, and steadfastness towards the Prophet and his Household (peace be upon them).

Her life, despite the fact she was a fallible being like the rest of us, presents countless lessons that illustrate the type of character and sincerity we can obtain and reach.

The Model of Motherhood

Abu Nasr Bukhari relates from Mufadhal bin Umar, that Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) said: "It related that the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (A.S) inquired from his brother Aqeel, who was a genealogist and knew the Arabian families well, to find a woman from a valorous Arab family, so that he could marry her and she in turn would bear him a valorous son. Aqeel replied, 'Then marry Fatima Kilabiyah, for there is none among the Arabs who is more valorous than her fathers', thus he married her."

It is amazing to consider the fact that despite being the Lion of God and the Victor of Khaybar, Imam Ali (A.S) still insisted on marrying a brave wife in order to raise a courageous son, driving home the point for us that when it comes to proper upbringing of children, both parents play crucial roles in imbuing their children with God-consciousness and other desirable characteristics.

Lady Ummul Baneen's name was Fatima; however, upon her arrival in Imam Ali's household, she requested that everyone call her Ummul Baneen so that she would not remind them of the daughter of the Prophet and upset them. Despite being a young bride who undoubtedly had dreams and aspirations of her own, she instead insisted on being a mere servant to the orphans of Lady Fatima Zahra (A.S). In turn, the children treated her with great respect and love, referring to her as their own mother.

Ummul Baneen translates to "Mother of Her Sons", a fitting title since Lady Ummul Baneen and Imam Ali had four sons: Usman, Jafar, Abdullah, and Abul Fadhl al-Abbas, the Gateway to the Acceptance of Desires and the Moon of Bani Hashim (peace be upon them all).

All four sons of Lady Ummul Baneen stood bravely alongside Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) on the day of Ashura. She instilled in her sons a love and loyalty for the Prophet and his Household that allowed them to stand with firm faith despite knowing that they would be killed by the overwhelming army of falsehood that stood before them. Such men of honor and valor
cannot be trained and brought up to be like so, unless their mother is a woman of faith and courage herself.


- Mulla Bashir Rahim: The History and Philosophy of Aza of Imam Hussein

من مواضيع صدى المهدي » الانتظار والصِّراع بين المستضعفين والمستكبرين
» الإستفتاءات … أسئلة بشأن البيع والشراء
» أنَّ الدين هو وسيلة اخترعها الأقوياء والأثرياء لتخدير الفقراء
» تحت شعار (من نهج الزهراء حجابي وبزينب اقتدائي)
» زيارة حمزة بن عبد المطلب (ره) في أحد
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 21-12-2023, 07:19 AM   رقم المشاركة : 7

صدى المهدي

مراقـــبة عـــــامة

الصورة الرمزية صدى المهدي

الملف الشخصي

صدى المهدي غير متواجد حالياً


Last Moment

As Umm al-Banin’s life full of love and struggle came to an end, Fiddah turned to her and asked her to impart the most important lesson in her final moments. Umm al-Banin smiled and softly whispered, “Peace be upon you, O Aba Abdullah” Soon after, Fiddah realized that Umm al-Banin was dying and called the children of Ali. This was the first time the children and grandchildren of Fatima Umm al-Banin referred to her as mother, and she did not object. Perhaps she did not have time to say, “I am Fatima’s maid, do not call me mother.” Hadrat Zain al-Abidin al-Sajjad remembered that evening when his uncle Abbas, covered in his own blood, cried out for the first time, “Ya akhi adrik akhi!” Tears fell from his cheeks at the sound of a mother’s call, the mother of her children now silenced.

Umm al-Banin, as the wife of a martyr, successfully fulfilled her role and raised children who were devoted to the cause of governance and Imamate. All four of her children ultimately became martyrs in the pursuit of their ideals of “Wali” and “Imam” in the Battle of Karbala. The final chapter of Umm al-Banin’s legacy of nurturing and education was sealed with the blessing of Imam Ali, peace be upon him.

Umm al-Banin, the wife of a martyr and the mother of four martyrs, lived a life dedicated to Allah with no mistakes or deviations.

While historians have recorded different years for her death, some say it was in 70 AH, and others say it was on the 13th of Jumadi al-Thani, 64 AH. She was a devoted mother and the golden bearer of the messengers of Karbala, following in the footsteps of Zainab Kubra, peace be upon her.

She was buried in the Baqi cemetery among the family of the Prophet Muhammad, including Imam Hassan and Fatima bint Asad. Although her physical body was interred in the ground, her spirit and noble and great qualities remain alive and continue to inspire people today. Her name is remembered alongside the living sun due to her virtuous character, and she has left a lasting impact on history through the people she has influenced.

Umm al-Banin’s grave is a sacred place that believers of all genders visit to seek spiritual nourishment and revitalize their faith. She is known among Muslims by various honorable titles such as Umm al-Ashq, Umm Al-Mahtab, and Umm Al-Wafa.

Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2023​

من مواضيع صدى المهدي » الانتظار والصِّراع بين المستضعفين والمستكبرين
» الإستفتاءات … أسئلة بشأن البيع والشراء
» أنَّ الدين هو وسيلة اخترعها الأقوياء والأثرياء لتخدير الفقراء
» تحت شعار (من نهج الزهراء حجابي وبزينب اقتدائي)
» زيارة حمزة بن عبد المطلب (ره) في أحد
رد مع اقتباس
إضافة رد

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al-’abbas, mother, umm-ul-banin

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